Resource Sharing
These resources were shared by church leaders for you to use freely within your ministry.
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Journaling the Lord’s Prayer
This one page document is a guide to praying the Lord's Prayer on a daily basis and keeping track of what God is saying to us.
IF - Advent Readings & Service Resource
Short, weekly readings focusing on traditional Advent themes. Can be used in one service or spread out over advent.
Guide to Preparing a Bible Study
This resource provides a step-by-step guide by which you can study a biblical text's context, content, and message.
Gospel Mentoring
A free, online course (short videos and optional worksheets) for those interested in learning how to reach and engage younger women in and out of the church.
Adult Catechism Sunday School
A collection of PowerPoint presentations dividing the Small Catechism content and discussion material/questions into 30 sessions, each about 40-50 minutes.